IDP Acknowledgement Form

The responsibility for training and oversight of the Institutional Data Policy (IDP) lies with individual MSU units.

The IDP Acknowledgement Form (PDF) has been developed as a tool to aid in access control for institutional data.

Individuals may be required to read and sign the form prior to access to institutional data being granted. By signing the form the individual acknowledges awareness and reading of Michigan State University’s Institutional Data Policy.

How to use the form

Use of this form may be required at the discretion of administrators and data stewards.

Examples of how this form may be used include:

  • An administrator of a unit may require all unit employees to read and sign the form.
  • A unit security administrator may require all users to read and sign the form prior to access being granted.
  • A data steward or business steward may require all users to read and sign the form prior to access being granted.

The IDP Acknowledgement Form it should be filled out and signed, at least once, by each individual when they are first given roles requiring access to institutional data.

The original signed form should be kept on file by that individual’s Major Administrative Unit security administrator.

A new form should be completed when a individual has a legal name change or changes his/her unit within the university.