Frequently Asked Questions

What is Spartan Mail?

Spartan Mail is the official name for the MSU email system and your “” account. The system was previously MSU Mail but, in recent years, transitioned to Microsoft Outlook 365 and is now available at All team members currently have a Spartan Mail account, and some are actively using it. You can access Spartan Mail in several ways: from a web browser, using the Outlook desktop program, or from your mobile device.


What are the benefits of Spartan Mail? Why are we doing this migration?

With Spartan Mail, you will enjoy a large (25 GB) mailbox. Your email will be on the same system used by all Spartans, so you can easily find, communicate and schedule meetings with contacts outside of your department, including faculty, staff, and students.


How long does it take for my department to migrate to Office 365 Email?

Based on the complexity of your department environment and the availability of project and department resources assisting in the migration, projects usually average between 4-8 weeks of dedicated efforts.


How do I know if I have been migrated to Spartan Mail?

If you have been migrated, you should have received an email from ithelp @ with the subject line “Your email has been successfully migrated”. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your spam folder. You can also reach out to the IT Service Desk via phone at (517) 432-6200 or visit


When is my department scheduled for migration?

Please feel free to reach out to Service Desk via phone at (517) 432-6200 or visit


Where will my email go?

All email, calendars, and contacts will be migrated to the Spartan Mail cloud service.


What will happen to the email on my old Department email server?

Mail sent to your previous email account will automatically be forwarded to your address. You will no longer be able to send mail from your department email address. Your business cards will still be accurate but over time, please update to your address.


What happens to my calendar?

Both personal and resource calendars will be migrated to the Spartan Mail cloud service.


I created a personal calendar in Outlook. Will that be copied to Spartan Mail?

Yes, calendars you created will be copied. However, if you shared them with anyone, you will need to re-share them in Spartan Mail after the transition.


What happens to contacts and groups I created (in the People area of Outlook)?

All contacts you created will be copied to your Spartan Mail contacts, and you will continue to be able to edit them.

“Suggested contacts” — those that automatically pop up when you start typing based on past messages — will not be copied over. You will need to find contacts in the “To:” field or address book again after the transition.


I use advanced Outlook features like notes, tasks, rules, etc. Will those be copied to my Spartan Mail account?

Yes, they will be merged into your Spartan Mail.

Rules will be copied to Spartan Mail but they may break. Please test them after the transition and reconfigure them, if needed.


How do I access shared mailboxes in Spartan Mail?

You will need to add (create connections) in Spartan Mail to any shared mailboxes you access.

Please follow the steps in these instructions: Spartan 365 – Shared Mailboxes: Frequently Asked Questions


How do I access my email/calendar from my mobile device?

MSU IT recommends that you download the official Microsoft Outlook app and configure a connection to Spartan Mail. For more information visit:

Spartan 365 Email (spartanmail): Mobile Device Account Configuration

Spartan 365 Email (spartanmail): Configuring the Outlook App for Mobile Devices


What features will I have on Spartan Mail?

For a full set of features, please see the article located here.


How will MSU IT support my department during migrations?

MSU IT will deploy onsite resources – either desktop support resources or full Tech Bar (a drop-in location where users can receive in person support) – as migrations are happening. MSU IT has dedicated resources working on the mail migration project which are available to you throughout the project. Please contact your Service Desk or Service Delivery Manager for further information, at (517) 432-6200 or visit


What Operating Systems can I use to access my email and calendar?

Spartan Mail is compatible with Windows 7/10, Mac OS, Android, and iPhone Operating Systems.


What version of Office do I need?

In order to use the full feature-set of Spartan Mail, you will need to run the latest version of Microsoft Office (Office 365). This software is free under the University’s licensing structure. Please see these instructions.


Will I be able to set up a rule to forward my emails from to an external email address (@gmail, @yahoo, etc…)?

Faculty and staff cannot forward Spartan Mail to third party email systems. Students can. It will be more important than ever not to send sensitive or confidential data to student team members. Please see the full policy statement here.Instructions for connecting your mobile device are located below:
Spartan 365 Email (spartanmail): Mobile Device Account Configuration – TB24467
Spartan 365 Email (spartanmail): Configuring the Outlook App for Mobile Devices – TB24687


Can I access my email from home?

Yes, you can use Microsoft Outlook or another email client to connect to your email by following the instructions below.Spartan 365 Email (spartanmail): Configuring Windows Outlook 2016 for SpartanMail (O365) – TB23990
Spartan 365 Email (spartanmail) : Configuring Windows 10 Mail for SpartanMail (Office 365 or On Premise Exchange): – TB25539 (if have Windows 10 but don’t have Outlook)
Spartan 365 Email (spartanmail) Configuring Outlook for Mac OS – TB23995
Or you can log in via the web at


How can I learn more?

Keep checking this knowledge base article for updates to the frequently asked questions and instructions. The week of the transition, a Tech Bar walk-in assistance location will be available for help with email on mobile devices like phones and tablets. Location and times to be determined.

Please contact your Service Desk or Service Delivery Manager for further information at (517) 432-6200 or visit