
I am excited to present the 2023 MSU IT Annual Report, outlining our journey of collective stewardship and celebration. As MSU’s interim chief information officer, I am deeply committed to fostering an environment where excellence and innovation flourish among our Spartan community. Explore below how we’re aligning with MSU’s Strategic Plan and building a foundation of technology that supports the success of hundreds of thousands of Spartans around the world.

Picture of MSU Interim Chief Information Officer Richard Czarnecki

MSU Interim Chief Information Officer Richard Czarnecki 

Our institution thrives on the collective dedication of everyone in the Spartan community—students, faculty, researchers, and staff. Whatever the role, we support sustainable IT solutions that back every Spartan from one chapter to the next. This shared commitment, coupled with the talent of our diverse and passionate staff, propels us forward, pushing the frontiers of knowledge, and steering the course of MSU.

While MSU IT plays an integral role within the institution, we are temporary caretakers of a legacy that spans many years. As good stewards, we embrace the profound privilege and responsibility entrusted to us. Just as those who came before us paved the way for our success, we must manage technology resources for future generations and safeguard the values that define us, while continuously striving for progress and innovation. By aligning our focus on the services foundational to MSU’s mission and vision, we position ourselves to enhance IT infrastructure, expand access to technologies, and provide operational excellence to our campus stakeholders through incremental improvements.

Click to view MSU IT impact at a glance infographic

MSU IT 2023 Impact Metrics

We are committed to fostering an environment where diversity, inclusion, and academic excellence flourish, and we celebrate the IT staff who contribute to the technological core of campus. This commitment ensures that MSU is prepared not just to serve but to lead.

Our journey is one with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment—to honor the past, embrace the present, and shape the future of IT at Michigan State University. Together, as dedicated Spartans and stewards, we will continue to inspire, innovate, and lead.


Go Green!

Rich Czarnecki