Student Success Dashboard Privacy Statement

Last updated: August 23, 2016

This online Privacy Statement is intended to inform you of the ways in which the Student Success Dashboard online application at (“Site”) collects information, the uses to which that information will be put, and the ways in which we protect information you choose to provide us.

Please note that other Michigan State University websites and applications may adopt different privacy practices as their specific needs require.

Use of this Site is subject to all applicable state and federal laws, as well as general university policies.

Information Collected

This Site collects two general types of information: (a) information you voluntarily provide to us, which may include personal information (such as your name, address, email address, etc.); and (b) information we collect automatically when you visit this Site through logins, cookies, third party tracking technologies, and server logs.

The data that the Dashboard collects are as follows, most of which are explicit in the user interface:

  1. Appointments students make with advisors and student success service providers and attendance information, including whether students checked-in or not for appointments or walk-in services.
  2. Communication between university employees about students through the Student Success Dashboard’s Case Management and Notes features.
  3. Copies of email communication between the student and university employees for any messages initiated from the Dashboard and responses to messages that originated on the Dashboard.

Data we are not collecting, but that are already present in the Dashboard include information from student’s academic record, including courses attempted, completed, and final grades. These data are collected and stored securely in accordance and subject to the limitations of the university’s Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology Resources. Further, disclosure of information collected through this Site is subject to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA).

Access to personally identifiable information in the system is carefully access controlled to only those individuals MSU deems to have a legitimate educational interest in student advising and student success support. Use of the information in the system is for the improvement of the university’s services and programs and for the direct educational benefit of students.

Information Collected Automatically

Cookies are small text files used to collect information about website activity. The Site uses Cookies to associate your MSU NetID login with a user session, to carry information about your current session at this Site from one web page to the next, and to identify you on this Site on return visits.

Login activity is logged within the Student Success Dashboard application. Communications sent through the system are also recorded.

Our web servers routinely generate logs that contain the following types of information each time the Site is used:

  • The date, time, and length of your visit.
  • The path taken through our Site and the browser used.
  • The list of files downloaded and the amount of time spent viewing video or audio files.
  • The IP address of the computer accessing our Site.
  • Any errors encountered.

This information is used primarily to monitor the functioning and integrity of the Site and other MSU websites.

Changes to the Privacy Statement

If we make any changes to our Privacy Statement, we will change the last updated date at the top of this page.


Neither Michigan State University, nor any of its units, programs, employees, agents, or individual trustees, shall be liable for any improper or incorrect use of information obtained through the use of this Site.


By using this Site you consent to the terms of this Privacy Statement.