MSU Tech Store
The MSU Tech Store is located on campus in room 110 of the Computer Center Building (450 Auditorium Road, East Lansing, MI 48824).
Products can also be purchased online at

MSU Eligible Purchasers and Products
Below is a list of eligible MSU Tech Store purchasers and corresponding products.
Current MSU Students
Must be currently enrolled at MSU. May purchase all products except departmental software licensing.
New MSU Students
Must have letter of acceptance which includes PID number. May purchase all products except departmental software licensing.
Current MSU Staff, Faculty, Non-Paid Faculty, and Visiting Professors
Must have a current MSU ID badge with ZPID number. May purchase all products except departmental software licensing and student only software products.
MSU Departments
May purchase all products except student software licensing. Software products must be installed on MSU-owned computers.
MSU Faculty Retirees with email accounts
May purchase Apple, Dell, and Lenovo computers, and accessories. No software may be purchased.
Not Able to Purchase from Tech Store
MSU Staff Retirees and MSU Alumni are not allowed to purchase from the MSU Tech Store.