MSU Code Repository

MSU offers a central Code Repository at for departments, faculty, staff, and students. Log in uses MSU NetID authentication.

The Code Repository can improve code quality, help with interdisciplinary collaboration, reduce problems during development, and ensure best practices and versioning. It also protects Michigan State University’s investment in the development of software source code and other shared works and is a single location to discover shared MSU projects and source code to help prevent duplicative efforts.

The repository is the result or a partnership between the MSU Department of Medicine, Department of Zoology, Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research, MSU Information Technology, and Pediatrics and Human Development.

Beyond Coding

The repository uses the open source Git-distributed version control system with the GitLab management application, and it’s not just for storing code.

Documents, blogs, research papers, and other text-based works can use the platform for version control, sharing, and collaboration. The barrier to entry is low and may appeal to researchers, academic faculty, and students working on projects across MSU or other institutions.

Source code added to the repository is private by default with options for sharing with both MSU and non-MSU users. A cross-department governance committee guides decisions related to the service.


The MSU Code Repository can:

  • Improve compliance with existing policies (e.g., cloud computing, institutional data, and intellectual property) where these issues intersect with software development.
  • Deliver a low barrier of entry for developers and researchers to follow the best practices of software development, including source code version control and review.
  • Offer a place to cultivate new ideas and innovation through shared software source code with others across the university.
  • Provide an open platform for others to use without requiring special firewall or network configurations.
  • Offer a safe, permanent home for MSU code, research, or other works under the Internet name space.
  • Enable the university to retain ownership of intellectual property while still providing the ability to share within the MSU community and with research partners outside MSU.
  • Strengthen the value of the Michigan State University name and reputation by showcasing projects developed by the MSU community under the domain.