Educational Technology

Educational Technology

Educational Technology provides technology support for teaching and learning in classrooms, computer labs, and the virtual environment, as well as provides printing, equipment rental, and scoring services for the MSU community.

Educational Technology also supports faculty through instructional design consultations, workshops, and best practices. Other services supported include course management systems, web conferencing, and video media sharing and storage.

Instructional Technology and Development

The Instructional Technology and Development team helps faculty create engaging online and hybrid courses through consultation and creative services.

Data-driven instructional design strategy and support in understanding and leveraging core MSU technology tools form the foundation for how we’ll help with the development, launch, and enhancement of online, blended, and technology-enhanced face-to-face courses, certificate programs, and degree programs.

The team regularly experiments with new systems and software to determine what new technologies may be best adapted for use in creating effective and accessible student learning experiences.

The team helps facilitate various accessibility meetings and events for groups like the MSU Web Accessibility Working Group, Web Accessibility Policy Liaisons, and Accessibility Review Committee.

Additionally, the team provides resources and tutorials for accessible web development, course and content development, and reviews and evaluations of technology products and software for the MSU community.

Finally, the team assists instructors in creating video and other media content for courses, programs, and departments.

A/V & IT Integration

The A/V and IT Integration team installs and maintains audiovisual (A/V) and computing equipment such as cameras, speakers, tech carts, and more for classrooms and computer labs.

The team also supports media requirements for large events in various campus venues, consults with departments on A/V equipment purchases, and provides room design and audiovisual system engineering.

Digital Classroom Services

Digital Classroom Services provides in-person support to MSU’s University Classrooms, MSU IT computer labs, and partner classrooms. DCS also maintains a rental pool of audiovisual equipment available to the MSU community.

Additionally, DCS provides training to classroom users on an as-needed basis. DCS works closely with AV & IT integrations to develop and provide meaningful classroom and learning space experiences.

Student Instructional Rating System Online

The Student Instructional Rating System (SIRS) is the online tool used by many departments on campus to gather feedback on the quality of the instruction in their courses.

The service allows departments to use the standard university-approved survey template or to create a customized form for their courses.

The system is automated to make the process easy for departments, and participation is managed on an opt-in basis. SIRS Online allows faculty to easily obtain the results for their courses and provides reports for department administrators. More information can be found at

Scoring Office

The MSU Scoring Office provides secure bubble sheet scanning for objective tests, electronic testing support and consultation, general data collection, and other MSU instructional evaluations.

Item analysis, test statistics, and grade-keeping services are available to enhance testing. The team also provides various services to support scanning, including customized analyses, statistical consulting support, and tailored reports and bubble sheet design.

Scholarly Services

Scholarly Services team is responsible for maintaining and implementing centrally-supported applications and services used in class instruction and online education. Some of the applications support D2L, Kaltura MediaSpace, Zoom, and MSU Print.

JustInTimeMedicine Services

The JustInTimeMedicine team is responsible for maintenance and implementation of the JustInTimeMedicine system, which is used by the College of Human Medicine to distribute their new Shared Discovery Curriculum.