New Students

Getting connected during MSU move in

Campus Wi-Fi

When it comes to getting and staying connected on campus, we have you covered. MSU provides all academic buildings and residence halls with secure Wi-Fi access for all your devices, so it is not necessary for students to use personal routers in their dorm rooms. Simply register your devices (including mobile devices, smart TVs and devices, gaming systems, etc.) with the MSU Network at to access the Wi-Fi.

Before and during New Student Orientation

Activate your MSU NetID: Your NetID gives you access to a variety of MSU resources.

Email & Spartan 365 tools

Spartan Mail is your official university email system for all MSU correspondence. Log into

Using your NetID and password, download Spartan 365 tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and OneNote). To download, click the “Install Office” button on the top right of the page.

Download the MSU App

The MSU App provides easy mobile access to top MSU news, a campus map, residence hall dining options, events, and more. New features are continuously added, so check back for updates.

To download the app from the Apple and Google Play stores, visit

Laptop computers and the network

Review the MSU Laptop Computer Requirement and contact your specific degree program: Some programs and colleges have additional computer specifications.

Register devices

Register your computer, mobile devices, and other devices (e.g., smart TV, gaming system) to access the MSU Network (wired) and MSUnet Wireless.

  • Open your web browser to
  • Log in using your MSU NetID and password and then follow the directions.
  • Reboot or restart your devices when complete.

See Getting Online for more details.

Before MSU move in

Guest Access

Grant trusted individuals and parents guest access to MSU’s Student Information System (SIS) if you want them to have the ability to pay student bills, view financial aid information, or view academic records and progress. Read more about SIS Guest Access.

Review the Acceptable Use Policy for MSU Information Technology Resources.

Resetting NetID Password and other self-help tips

Find quick and easy instructions about resetting your NetID password and answers to other technology questions at

Learn more about MSU technology

Learn how to protect yourself online through SecureIT