MSU Breakfast Series – “Diving into the Waters of MOOCs”

MSU LEARNING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (LearnDAT) invites you to attend the next session in the ongoing Breakfast Series: Conversations on Online Pedagogy and Best Practices. 

DATE:        Wednesday, October 9, 2013
PLACE:      Main Library, North Conference Room, 4th Floor, West Wing
TIME:         8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (8:30 a.m. for refreshments)NEWSne
TOPIC:       "Diving into the Waters" of MOOCs






This panel session is a continued discussion about MOOCS on campus led by several MSU pioneers that took “the dive” into this new educational experience.  This discussion will center around the teaching and development experience of the instructors as well as show highlights of the actual courses and the platforms used.   Their experiences may help you explore the question…should I do a MOOC?   


  • Dr. Stephen Thomas – College of Natural Science
  • Dr. Jeff Grabill – Writing, Rhetoric & American Culture
  • Dr. Julie Lindquist – Writing, Rhetoric & American Culture


Also, join the active conversation happening on ourFacebookpage and throughTwitter!   

For more announcements and previous recordings visit the following links:

If you have any questions about the Breakfast Series please contact Keesa Muhammad at or 517-884-0663.
