IT Services releases Action Plan detailing strategic projects

IT Services created an Action Plan to inform the MSU community of the strategic direction IT Services is taking in the 2013-2014 academic year.

This plan was prompted by Michigan State University’s Bolder by Design strategic framework.

Screen capture of the IT Services Action Plan website. Click to go to the website.

The Action Plan explains the specific actions and milestones IT Services is committed to achieving in order to make a difference to the MSU community over the next year.

Actions and milestones

The actions and milestones in the plan focus on:

Service Excellence

  • Publish a list of services.
  • Simplify the service request process.
  • Improve the incident handling experience.

Academic Technology

  • Expand the virtual learning environment.
  • Promote active learning.
  • Support the First-Year Writing Program.
  • Recommend the next steps for Massive Open Online Courses.

Essential Services

  • Improve email and calendaring.
  • Plan for Wi-Fi in residence halls.
  • Facilitate collaborative tools.
  • Enhance the business system environment.

IT Governance

  • Increase organizational transparency.
  • Expand the level of campus engagement.
  • Improve IT leadership and planning.

In addition to these specific areas of focus, IT Services will continue to follow through on its existing information technology services and projects.


The MSU community is encouraged to provide feedback on the relevancy of the actions and the manner in which they are carried out via the site.
