MSU Breakfast Series – Using Social Media to Increase Student Participation

MSU LEARNING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (LearnDAT) invites you to attend the next session in our ongoing Breakfast Series: Conversations on Online Pedagogy and Best Practices.

DATE:         Wednesday, November 13, 2013

PLACE:       Main Library, North Conference Room, 4th Floor, West Wing

TIME:           8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (8:30 a.m. for refreshments)

TOPIC:        Using Social Media to Increase Student Participation



Discussion boards can feel outdated and boring to today’s students, so why aren’t we using the communication tools that they’re interacting with on a daily, and sometimes hourly, basis? As a forestry class began to move from a face-to-face session into a completely online format, this was the perfect time to experiment with a different set of tools. Utilizing Facebook groups, online assignments and discussions have expanded the face-to-face classroom by providing a more engaging online learning space. Come and learn how you can get started with your own group as well as hear more specific instances of how we increased participation just by using the tools students are already using.


  • Dr. Maureen McDonough – Instructor, Forest Sociology and Social Forestry,

  • Emily Brozovic – Instructional Designer, Learning Design and Technology


Also, join the active conversation happening on our Facebook page and through Twitter!   

For more announcements and previous recordings visit the following links:

If you have any questions about the Breakfast Series please contact Keesa Muhammad at or 517-884-0663.
