MSU FileDepot, FileDepot Internal provide alternatives for sharing data

IT Services launched two related file sharing services to transfer files up to 900MB inside and outside of Michigan State University.

These services help address the need for sharing large files and data with colleagues at MSU or other institutions.

Screen capture of the MSU FileDepot website.


MSU FileDepot enables users to share files with anyone, including other faculty and researchers at different higher education institutions.

Uploaded files are available for pick up by specified recipients within the FileDepot system. Files are automatically deleted 14 days after they are uploaded.

FileDepot Internal

The related MSU FileDepot Internal service provides file transfers between users with MSU credentials offering added authentication to address some institutional data requirements.

Handling institutional data

FileDepot and FileDepot Internal offer a secure way to transfer data, but it is still best practice to encrypt sensitive data before distribution.

The MSU Institutional Data Policy defines different types of data. (Read further details on securing institutional data.)

