MSU Breakfast Series – “Compentency Based Learning @MSU”


MSU LEARNING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (LearnDAT) invites you to attend the next session in our ongoing Breakfast Series: Conversations on Online Pedagogy and Best Practices.

DATE:           Wednesday, March 12, 2014

PLACE:         Main Library, North Conference Room, 4th Floor, West Wing

TIME:            8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (8:30 a.m. for refreshments)

TOPIC:         Competency Based Learning @MSU    



  • Dr. Geoffrey Habron, Ph.D., Director  

  • Dr. Michael Rip – MSc (Community Health), PhD, Program Director

  • Leslie Johnson – Program in Public Health Administrative Director, Advisor


Competency based learning (CBE) at its origin awards academic credit based on mastery of clearly defined competencies.  Defined competencies derived from the skills proven to be the most relevant by national standards that are recognized by employers and educators.  This stands in direct contrast to education in which learning is structured around seat time and credit hour.  So what happens when you take a varied approach to CBE and create a model that focuses on mastery of learning in a credit hour structure?

Join us for an in-depth discussion on two very distinct competency based programs @MSU:  Fisheries and Wildlife Undergraduate Sustainability Specialization and the fully online Masters in Public Health Program.  The presenters will share their experiences on how, what and why they decided to develop a competency based program as well as highlight the successes/failures in their program building.

Another GREAT breakfast series you shouldn't miss.

For up to date news info, check out our LearnDAT News Feb 2014



Also, join the active conversation happening on our Facebook page and through Twitter!


For more announcements and previous recordings visit the following links:

Any questions please contact Keesa Johnson Muhammad at LearnDat: 517-884-0663
