Session 44: The State of Online Learning


MSU LEARNING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (LearnDAT) invites you to attend the next session in our ongoing Breakfast Series: Conversations on Online Pedagogy and Best Practices.

DATE:           Wednesday, February 12, 2014

PLACE:          Main Library, North Conference Room, 4th Floor, West Wing

TIME:            8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (8:30 a.m. for refreshments)

TOPIC:          The State of Online Learning    


LearnDAT's first breakfast series will kick off with an interesting discussion from an expert panel on the "State of Online Learning". This much needed "sharing of the minds"  will take us through the history of our e-learning beginnings but will also showcase many of the innovative learning initiatives/projects  that are going on throughout our learning community.  Come be a part of the future and share in this enriching discussion.

Presentation Topic




The State of Online Learning



  • Brendan Guenther, Director, IT Services – Teaching and Learning

  • Byron Brown, MSU Professor Emeritus

  • Punya Mishra, Director of MA Program in Educational Technology/Professor

  • Cathleen McGreal, Faculty Learning Community Coordinator/Psychology Social Science Online Coordinator

  • Gerald Rhead, Director Academic Entrepreneurship MSU Global


View here



Also, join the active conversation happening on our Facebook page and through Twitter!

For up to date news info, check out our LearnDAT News Feb 2014 –

Also, join the active conversation happening on our Facebook page and through Twitter!


For more announcements and previous recordings visit the following links:

If you have any questions about the Breakfast Series please contact Keesa Muhammad at or 517-884-0663.
