Explore different classroom options at MSU for faculty

Have you ever walked into a classroom and wondered how you would possibly make it work for your lesson plan that day?

Growing active learning spaces

In 2012, MSU IT Teaching and Learning Technology began partnering with the Office of Faculty & Organizational Development by launching a new faculty development program revolving around the Rooms for Engaged and Active Learning (REAL). REAL spaces are specifically designed to enable lively interaction, enhanced learning, and increased faculty and student engagement.

A ballroom in the Union with tables and chairs

A ballroom in the Union with tables and chairs taken by Dave Goodrich and shared freely.

The initial REAL classroom spaces in McDonel, rooms 2 and 38, were still under construction. On the morning of the first ever REAL Faculty Academy session, we entered the Union room we were using before the  REAL spaces were completed and took this picture.

Yes, this was the room where we were to teach about using learning environments conducive to active learning strategies. Do you see the irony? It is hard to miss.

We wondered, “How do you highlight problem-based, inquiry-based, team-based, cooperative-based, and collaborative-based pedagogy in a room designed for traditional sage-on-the-stage instruction?” So there we stood, facing the challenge that instructors face daily all over the world.

Different classroom options

MSU Rooms for Engaged and Active Learning floor plan diagramNo matter what your instructional approach is, there are classrooms all over Michigan State University’s campus designed to support your pedagogy.

For instance, did you know we have different types of classrooms to help you implement active learning strategies, such as active learning classrooms, REAL spaces, and classrooms with intermediate technical capabilities?

These classrooms are equipped with technology far beyond the traditional computer and projector set-up, and they are designed to support group work and hands-on activity so that students are more engaged with the lesson. You can also use one of our computer labs to give students practice with research and online programs during class time.

Additionally, there are record ready classrooms so you can quickly and easily share helpful instructional snippets online with students or take advantage of the real-time conferencing capabilities.

Classroom support

MSU Rooms for Engaged and Active Learning classroomFinally, whether you are just getting started with implementing active learning strategies and technology in the classroom, or you would like more advanced support, please contact the MSU IT Service Desk at (517) 432-6200 for help with classroom technology, classroom support, media equipment, printers, or unlocking computer lab rooms.

Check out more classroom support information.

As a bonus, learn more about course guidelines and best practices and other active learning tools.
