MSU Zoom recently adding the new polling and simultaneous meeting features for the MSU community.
Zoom is a cloud-based platform for video and audio conferencing, mobile collaboration, and simple online meetings.
Pro account access (50 participants) is available at no charge for MSU faculty, staff, and students when you log into MSU Zoom using your NetID and password. Enhanced licenses for more than 50 participants can be purchased through the MSU Computer Store.
One of the new features is polling. Polling enables Zoom participants to ask questions and poll meeting attendees and webinar participants. Setting aside short polls or surveys can keep participants engaged, as well as provide real-time feedback.
Read more about turning on polling for meetings.
Simultaneous meetings
Zoom has also enabled each MSU Pro account to host up to five simultaneous meetings. This feature allows each account tied to an MSU NetID to have two meetings running at the same time. Please note that you can only join one meeting from a single device.
This simultaneous meeting feature could be helpful if you are scheduled in back-to-back Zoom meetings and those meetings run over. The next meeting could start without the first one needing to be completely finished. To do this, the “Join Before Host” needs to be enabled, and then it can begin without the host or the host can leave the first meeting and join the second without affecting the first meeting.