Check out the MSU Tech Break podcast on accessibility as a culture

Check out the first episode of the student-led MSU Tech Break podcast called “Developing Your Accessibility Culture.”

In our first episode we discuss accessibility, why accessibility is important and some technologies that can help make your courses more accessible. The podcast is hosted by Shillo Wright and she interviews Phil Deaton and Brooke Knapp.

Deaton is a web accessibility specialist for Michigan State University where he helps coordinate accessibility for courses, websites, and vended technology. See more on the MSU Web Accessibility site.

Knapp is a digital accessibility intern working with Deaton. As part of her work, she provides digital consulting on courses for the MSU School of Social Work.

About MSU Tech Break

MSU Tech Break is a 15- to 20-minute student-led podcast produced by the Learning Design team within MSU IT Services Academic Technology.

The goal of Tech Break is to share information about technology and learning to the broad Michigan State University community. The podcast will bring together stories and experiences, providing different perspectives on technology and how it can be used in higher education.
