Meet Angie Kimmel, 2021 MSU IT Staff Success Award recipient

Angie Kimmel, Staff Success Award recipient

Angie Kimmel, Information Technician with RHS/DSS IT, was named the 2021 MSU IT Staff Success Award recipient during the June 9 presentation of the Excellence in IT Awards. MSU IT leadership presented six Excellence in IT Awards on June 9, recognizing the extraordinary efforts of its staff to advance student, faculty, and staff success. Awards were presented to MSU IT staff in the areas of student and staff success, as well as in the categories of Innovation, Virtual Champion, Outstanding Service, and Most Valuable Teammate.

Angie is the first point of contact for all RHS access/user permissions requests. In the last year, she has excelled despite an increased workload that included managing access for 650 furlough staff, 2,400 student terminations, 350 on-call staff, 150 temps, and 160 special assignment positions.

She said setting up a remote office and telecommuting was a big challenge this past year, but ultimately found success doing it.

“It was a wonderful feeling to know it could be done and we functioned off-campus with ease,” Angie said. “The emotions and stress involved in living through a pandemic were overwhelming at times, but we held together. We felt support from our own teams and the greater MSU community.”

Angie’s nomination stated, “She shows remarkable dedication to the user experience and support. Angie has put a lot of time and effort into training material and dedication, so learning is effective while making it enjoyable. Her time spent either creating new user accounts, adding/removing user permissions, troubleshooting or escalating tickets from the first ticket of the day to the last ticket of the day is superb and reflects quality customer experience and great teamwork.”

Angie said her personal philosophy for approaching her work for MSU IT is, “serving others with a positive attitude, commitment to teamwork and consistency in delivering quality work and meaningful (outstanding Spartan) experiences to staff and students.”

“I am appreciative and grateful to receive this award and to be recognized for staff success,” Angie said.

The staff success award is granted to an outstanding individual who has made exceptional contributions and significant improvements to the staff experience. ​​​​​​​
