Tech Considerations for Hybrid Meetings

As more Spartans return to campus, meetings will likely include both in-person and remote attendees. When running a hybrid meeting, clear audio and video are top priorities. Review the technology tips below to ensure the best experience for everyone. 

First, decide how many people will be in-person and outfit the conference room accordingly: 

  • Small meetings (2-4 people): For small groups, a simple computer, web camera, and TV with decent speakers should work. Alternatively, you could consider an all-in-one device, such as a Meeting Owl Pro or Logitech device. 
  • Medium meetings (5-14 people): In a mid-sized room, specialized equipment enables everyone to be seen and heard. Consider an all-in-one device, like a Meeting Owl Pro. It is possible to pair two of these devices together if necessary. 
  • Large meetings (15+ people): A videoconferencing solution custom-designed for the room offers the best experience. 

Additionally, be sure to consider the following for all meetings: 

  •  Video screen or projectors should be large enough for in-person participants to see both remote participants and shared presentations. Consider 1-2 screens depending on size of space and group. 
  • In-room computer vs. laptops: If staff using the conference room generally have laptop computers, their laptop can be used for the meeting. Otherwise, a dedicated computer may be needed in the meeting space. (Some form of computer is necessary to connect a Meeting Owl device.) 
  • Network: Videoconferencing uses a lot of network bandwidth. If you find video is choppy or grainy, or audio isn’t clear, it could be that you need to upgrade networking in the conference room. This is especially the case if you have multiple people connecting via laptops. Contact MSU IT (517-432-6200) to help determine if your network needs upgrading. 
  • For remote attendees, consider using headphones or headsets to help reduce unwanted noise for everyone in the meeting. 

 Find other technology resources contact MSU IT (517-432-6200) for a tech consultation, questions, or concerns. 
