Free OLC Accelerate Registrations Available for Educators

MSU IT is offering Michigan State educators the opportunity to attend the 2021 OLC Accelerate conference and is covering the cost of registration.

This year’s OLC Accelerate conference will be held virtually September 20 through September 24, 2021. Registering for the conference will also give attendees access to live broadcasts of the on-site version of the conference held October 5 through October 8, 2021.

Recordings of both conferences will be available for registrants for up to one year. Those who cannot view the conferences live are urged to register regardless to take advantage of the recorded content.

Hosted by the Online Learning Consortium, OLC Accelerate is one of the country’s leading conferences for online, blended, and digital learning. This year’s conference will have multiple topics for educators to choose from, along with seminars and workshops to go along with each topic.

Educators interested in attending the conference may do so for free by requesting to register via the OLC Accelerate registration form. When signing up, they must use an MSU email address to take advantage of the free registration provided by MSU IT . Once successfully registered, users will receive an email with further information and instructions.

The deadline for requests to attend the conference is September 17, 2021. For more information about OLC Accelerate, please visit the official OLC Accelerate website for a variety of information and details.

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to Nick Noel at
