Michigan State Police: Cyber Threats and Scams Webinar

In recognition of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, MSU IT will host Detective Sergeant Sam North, Michigan Cyber Command Center (MC3), to discuss common cyber threats and scams lurking online. North will also present ways to identify phishing e-mails, tips to improve cybersecurity and explore criminal investigations related to network intrusions.

  • Monday, October 31, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.  
  • Register here for the Zoom webinar 
  • All Spartans are welcome!      

A division of the Michigan State Police, the MC3 is responsible for coordinating combined efforts of cyber emergency response during critical cyber incidents in Michigan. Emphasis is placed upon prevention, response, and recovery from cyber incidents. Detective Sergeant Sam North has been an enlisted member of the Michigan State Police since 2014. North served at the Lansing Post as a trooper and human trafficking subject matter expert, at the Diversion Investigation Unit, and the First District Cold Case Team before his current position with the Michigan Cyber Command Center, where he conducts investigations into cybersecurity-related criminal activity. 

Learn about the best ways to #SecureState at secureit.msu.edu.
