Melissa Woo named a Higher Education IT Executive of the Year

Headshot of Melissa Woo

MSU EVPA and CIO Melissa Woo

MSU Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Information Officer Melissa Woo was named one of’s  Higher Education IT Executives of the Year on Tuesday, Nov. 1. The recognition comes as part of the 2022 EdScoop 50 Awards.

The EdScoop 50 Awards honor the best and brightest who have a positive impact in higher education to make it more efficient and effective. The Higher Education IT Executive of the Year award focuses on visionaries who lead their university into a new technology landscape with innovative ideas and inspire others.

Since joining MSU as Senior Vice President for Technology and CIO in December of 2019, Melissa has expanded her leadership role at the university. She was appointed EVPA in 2020 and is president of the MSU Research Foundation. Her engagement within the information technology industry includes roles in a number of professional organizations. She serves such as the chair of the Merit Network board of directors, co-chair of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), Modernizing Talent Management Working Group, and an advisory committee member of The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Additionally, Melissa was appointed in 2022 to serve on the EDUCAUSE board of Directors.

Her leadership and involvement has garnered recognition throughout her career. Melissa received the inaugural EDUCAUSE DEI Leadership Award in 2019 for her actions leading to improved diversity, equity, and inclusion in the higher education IT community, as well as the 2012 EDUCAUSE Rising Star Award, recognizing her as an emerging leader in higher education IT. In 2020, Melissa was named to EdTech Magazine’s, “The 2020 Dean’s List: 30 Higher ED IT Influencers Worth a Follow.”
