New Interim Guidance for Generative AI Use in Research and Creative Activity

Working in collaboration with campus stakeholders and leaders from the MSU Ethics Institute, the Office of Research and Innovation and the Office of the Provost shared new interim guidance on the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in research and creative activity.

These university guidelines expand on the earlier generative AI guidance shared on August 1, 2023, and include specific components important for members of the research community to consider before leveraging this emerging technology. With the guiding principles of equity, inclusivity, and ethical use at the core, new elements include information on data compliance and risk, intellectual property, preparation of publications, peer review, and grant preparation.

The guidelines are on the Office of Research and Innovation website, where links to past memos and additional resources can also be found. In the new year, the Ethics Institute will lead an effort to inventory how various stakeholders across campus are – or are not – leveraging generative AI.
