Tag: file sharing

SecureIT site provides information security guidelines to MSU community
The SecureIT site recently launched to provide the MSU community with one place for guidelines and best practices on information security.
MSU employees first used the site as part of the two-factor authentication rollout in March and April 2015.
The site also includes personal safe computing information, ways to safeguard your devices, phishing precautions, password tips, and illegal file sharing details. Read Full Article →

MSU FileDepot, FileDepot Internal provide alternatives for sharing data
IT Services launched two related file sharing services to transfer files up to 900MB inside and outside of Michigan State University.
These services help address the need for sharing large files and data with colleagues at MSU or other institutions.
FileDepotMSU FileDepot enables users to share files with anyone, including other faculty and researchers at different higher education institutions. Read Full Article →