Tag: Office of the CIO

Joanna Young recommended as MSU vice president for IT and CIO
Joanna Young has been recommended to serve as Michigan State University’s vice president for information technology and chief information officer.
Young is currently the associate vice president for finance and budget and CIO at the University of New Hampshire.
Her appointment is subject to approval by the MSU Board of Trustees, and if approved, Young’s appointment would be effective August 26. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Conference looked at ways technology is changing in higher ed
The MSU IT Conference was held June 10, 2014, in the MSU Union with breakout sessions in the Human Ecology and Natural Science buildings.
More than 200 attended the conference open to those in the MSU community interested in information technology.
The MSU IT Conference was started in 2007 to build the IT community and encourage collaboration. Read Full Article →