iClicker Options

Note: iClicker is free to use for MSU faculty and students. You should not be prompted for payment. If you have used iClicker Reef in the past, the interface may say that your subscription has expired. However, you do not need to purchase a subscription as long as you are taking courses at MSU. The product should still work. If the product does not work, contact iClicker support at https://www.iclicker.com/support and they will help you troubleshoot the issues. If you have paid for iClicker Reef accidentally, please contact iClicker support for help with a refund.

For Instructors:

Everything you need to get started teaching with iClicker Cloud can be found at the links below

Virtual Teaching Resources

Easily access answers to most questions using the quick links below:

Getting Started

During Class

After Class

Additional Information

For Students:

Everything you need to get started can be found at the links below:

Getting Started

In Class

After Class

Additional Information