Converting your course from ANGEL to D2L


This page will prepare you for the D2L Conversion Lab.


  • Basic course conversion: 1 minute
  • Waiting time for conversion to complete: up to 24 hours

Why this is important

Each ANGEL course or group can only be converted to the Desire2Learn (D2L) system once using the D2L conversion tool. However, even after the conversion, your ANGEL course will still be available until the system is discontinued.

ANGEL will be discontinued on May 15, 2015 at 5:15pm.

In order to preserve your ANGEL content, you must convert to D2L before this date. In order to ensure your content is converted and to have peace of mind, we recommend that you convert your content by January 1, 2015. 


Use the D2L Course Conversion Tool

Begin by clicking the Manage tab of your newly copied development course. The Desire2Learn Course Convert widget is in the bottom left of the page.

Desire2Learn Course Convert widget

Finally, click the link that reads, Click here to convert this development course to Desire2Learn. The ANGEL system will take care of the rest!

It is important to complete the D2L course conversion before attending the D2L Conversion Lab. Most course conversions take about 24 hours.

Additional Information

You can follow these steps for each of your courses that you want to convert to D2L.

An ANGEL course can only be converted to D2L once, no matter who starts the converstion process. This person will be made the course administrator in that D2L course once the conversion is complete. 

Once your course has converted, it is important that you log into and explore your content, to familiarize yourself with the environment of the new system, and the new ways that content is presented. Use the Course Conversion Checklist below to review your course/group, and ensure that your content has been preserved in D2L.

For additional D2L resources including terminology, training, and documentation please refer to the website linked below:

For additional topical D2L training, sign up in EBS by clicking on ESS Salary, then Training Opportunities under Professional Development.  You can find it by searching for “D2L” then selecting the topic that is appropriate. 
