New version of Desire2Learn to launch May 9 along with new features

On May 9, MSU IT Services will upgrade Desire2Learn (D2L) from version 10.0 of to version 10.1, making new features available to instructors.

In addition to the new version, D2L will incorporate integrations with ePortfolio and a Learning Object Repository (LOR).

Students studying in Biomedical and Physical Sciences at MSU.

D2L updates

The D2L system at will be down during the upgrade on May 9 beginning at 8:00 am. Instructors will be able to access the system again on May 10.

The changes to D2L will slightly modify the look and feel for content creation, therefore we want to keep instructors informed of these updates. A “D2L 10.1 Updates and Changes” document is available and goes through user interface changes in v10.1, new features, and new integrations.


D2L sessions at the Faculty Seminars in Research and Instructional Technology on May 7-8 will use the new 10.1 version of D2L. These seminars are open to faculty and graduate assistants. Register online for Faculty Seminars.

Additional D2L training sessions and conversion labs will be scheduled over the summer and an be found by searching “D2L” in EBS.

If you have any questions, call the Distance Learning Services Help Desk at (517) 355-2345 or (800) 500-1554.
