IT Services rolls out updates in select technology classrooms for fall

IT Services updated technology in 14 classrooms for the fall 2013 semester. Instructors in those specific technology classrooms have received messages detailing the updates.

Select classroom updates are occurring in Anthony, Business College Complex, Center for International Program (CIP), Chemistry, Engineering, Eppley, Erickson, IM Circle, IM West, Jenison, and McDonel.

MSU students work on finalizing their science projects in a computer lab

Technology updates

Updates include the host computer on classroom technology carts will run Windows 7 and Office 2013.

Additional updates include:

  • Data projectors with digital media capability (HDMI and VGA)
  • Blu-ray players for Blu-ray discs and DVDs
  • Built-in document cameras
  • Videoconferencing systems with cameras and microphones
  • Microphone systems

Updates will vary slightly by room. Details for each technology classroom room are available in the online room guides.

For questions or support, contact IT Services Classroom Support at (517) 353-3960.
