D2L Conversion Update: What you need to know

In late 2012 we began a two and a half year conversion to D2L from ANGEL at Michigan State University.  A transition like this is never easy, so we wanted to offer faculty and staff a broad conversion window so you could plan migrations that fit within your program schedule.  
With that we have also offered a free supplemental training course designed to help make the transition for ANGEL to D2L as easy as possible, and help you start feeling comfortable in the new system.  Maybe you’ve heard of these courses; we call them "D2L Conversion Labs," and we offer them regularly on the first Tuesday of each month.  
But as the May 2015 ANGEL deadline approaches, you may wonder what the best strategy is for migrating your courses. Perhaps your are a departmental administrator or coordinator interested in helping your entire program migrate at the same time.
We can help.
Starting in January, we will be extending our services to include strategic departmental planning to help your group or department transition to D2L before the deadline.  We can help design a plan that works for you and your faculty, and ensures that course content is preserved in the new system.  Over the past year, we’ve found that departmental Conversion Labs are a great way for faculty to make the transition together in a comfortable, hands-on, supportive environment.

For questions or to find out more information, contact Nate Evans.  We would like to hear from you.