MSU to launch new Desire2Learn features for fall 2014

MSU IT Services is upgrading the Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System to version 10.3 over the summer. In addition, to the upgrade several new integrations will be available.

This upgrade will offer many new features including:

  • The ability to upload, publish and share media directly from the D2L environment using the Kaltura MediaSpace integration.
  • Improvements to quizzes and surveys.
  • The ability to push content change notifications to students.
  • Updates to the discussion board tool.
  • A new connection to the Piazza course communication tool.

Read more specifics about the upcoming D2L changes and additions.

Preview changes

If you would like to preview the upcoming D2L changes and features, check out the D2L sandbox.

This can be helpful for planning fall 2014 courses in D2L.


D2L training is available through self-paced online modules, in-person training, and conversion labs.

Additionally, there are several D2L classes during the MSU Seminars in Research and Instructional Technology on May 6-7.

This may also be a good time for instructors to plan migration of ANGEL courses and groups into D2L. ANGEL will be retired on May 15, 2015.

More D2L details:

For questions, call the Distance Learning Services Help Desk at (517) 355-2345 or (800) 500-1554.
