Google Classroom is now available through MSU Google Apps for Education. Classroom is a new tool that helps instructors create and organize assignments, provide feedback, collaborate, and communicate with their classes.

Google Classroom isn’t a fully robust learning management system like Desire2Learn, but it may be useful for blended or technology-enhanced courses needing a space for class communication or supplemental instruction.
Google Classroom can also help with document management for classes and is more streamlined than what was previously available with Google Drive alone.
How to access
Access Google Classroom application through the main MSU Google Apps site by clicking the icon and signing in with your MSU NetID and password.
If you need help logging in read the MSU Google Apps for Education: Known Issues help article.
Students won’t see any classes in this space unless their instructor has given them the code to connect to their course or unless the instructor manually adds them to a classroom page.
More directions on adding students and joining classes are available in the Google Classroom help article.
Some communication features in Google Classroom rely on Gmail. MSU has not enabled Gmail as part of the MSU Google Apps suite.
Other benefits
Google Classroom also:
- Allows instructors to create, review, and grade assignments in one place. (Note: There is not a main gradebook in Google Classroom, but grades can be done individually and exported.)
- Offers the space for direct and real-time feedback.
- Provides improved contractual terms of service in the Google Apps for Education version versus the standard terms of service for individual public users.