MSU IT Council discusses security, collaborative tools at last meeting

The MSU IT Council met on November 14. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.

Image of IT staff member with a laptop

November 14 meeting synopsis

Mark Notman, Associate Dean and CTO for the College of Osteopathic Medicine, led the meeting by providing an overview of his college’s IT challenges and the work his team is doing to align their Health Information Technology unit to the university’s culture of high performance.

New proposal template

Barb Dawson, CIO of Health Information Technology, presented a template for council members to use when introducing new projects/proposals to the IT Council. The template is designed to help ensure information comprehensively addresses the challenges and opportunities of proposals prior to presentation to the council board.

Security Summit Task Force update

John Resotko, Assistant Director – Systems Administration and Support for the College of Law, gave an overview of the preliminary survey results from the MSU Security Summit 2014 held on October 14. Overall, the 129 attendees expressed a positive response to the summit, and so we will plan on repeating the event.

Collaboration Tools Recommendation Task Force update

Recently IT Services moved CampusAD and Exchange under MSU CISO Rob McCurdy. His group is now working to compile information to present at the next council meeting. The task force will then determine the direction their proposal will take.

Box collaborative tool

Cynthia Ghering, Director of Content and Collaboration for IT Services (with assistance from Felicia Berryman, Steve Devine, and Mary Stanewich), discussed the need for a collaborative suite of tools, approved by the university to meet the wide variety of storage and collaboration.

The first phase will involve evaluation and trial of the Internet2 Net+ Box service. IT Council members will suggest units that would be willing to participate in this trial.

IT security framework and standards

Thomas Porter III, Information Security, presented the IT Security Controls Checklist he and his team have developed to identify, categorize, and prioritize various security risks and outline steps to proactively minimize vulnerabilities. Controls will need to be prioritized by unit.

A plan for communicating this to MSU IT staff in the various units will be developed by Rob McCurdy and will be presented more in detail at the next IT Council meeting.

About the IT Council

The MSU IT Council serves as a primary IT advisory body. Membership is open to the primary IT leader from each of the degree-granting colleges, core academic units, major academic support units, and other major business units.

The MSU community is encouraged to seek out their IT Council representative or visit the IT Council website for more information on topics of interest.
