MSU faculty & staff recognized for use of instructional technology

Four outstanding instructors and online and blended courses were selected as recipients of the 2015 AT&T Award Competition in Instructional Technology.

Screen capture of the 2015 AT&T Award winner website.


2015 AT&T Awards

The 2015 winning innovations and honorable mentions are:


Leigh Graves Wolf and Michelle Schira Hagerman, CEP 811

CEP 811: Adapting Innovative Technology into Education is designed to push students to extend their conceptions of innovation. Focused on the integration of digital technologies in classroom settings, this course immerses students in the world of making, doing, and creating with new tools in new ways. The single core idea that defines the course is that innovative uses of technology can happen with a range of tools, in a range of ways, in a range of contexts.


Charles Owen, CSE 335

CSE 335: Object-Oriented Software Design is a four credit, extremely work intensive course involving both individual and team activities, and is an important transition in the Computer Science curriculum. The goal of the course was to create a structure where students continuously learn then immediately apply what they’ve learned.


Robby Ratan, TC 401

TC 401: Science Fiction, Communication & Technology focused on the ways in which science fiction portrays the use of communication technologies. The Zoom conferencing system, coupled with the Eli Review peer review platform engaged students, and kept them focused on the lectures and discussions at hand.


Steve Williams, MD, OST 576

In OST 576: Integumentary System, students learn to diagnose common skin conditions by utilizing a flipped model in which preparation for class takes place elsewhere, while class sessions are focused on application. The course is organized the way physicians actually practice, based on evidence-based diagnosis. iClicker questions of increasing difficulty are presented at the beginning and the end of class.


Melanie M. Cooper, CEM 141

CEM 141: General Chemistry is the introductory, large enrollment chemistry course for STEM majors. With support from an National Science Foundation grant, the instructors are currently transforming the course to focus on the big ideas of chemistry and how it is used. iClickers are used for class participation and homework is assigned in the beSocratic system.

Shannon Schweitzer, THR 811

THR 811: Practicum Lighting: Design and Technology uses technology to help students with pre-visualization methods. The course teaches students how to design lights for theater, concerts, and architectural lighting. Built to emulate a true-to-life stage in a much smaller form, the Mini Light Lab allows students to gain hands on stage lighting experience in a low-risk environment.

AT&T Awards background

MSU established the AT&T Instructional Technology Awards program in 2005, through a gift from AT&T (then SBC). The award program is administered by the Office of the CIO and IT Services.

Since its inception, 63 instructional technology innovations have received this award.

In the coming academic year, these winners will present their innovations to the public in venues such as the Instructional Technology Brown Bag Seminar Series and the Breakfast Series: Conversations in Online and Blended Pedagogy, hosted by MSU IT Services.
