MSU Student Success Dashboard will support students, advisors

The Student Success Transformation Initiative supports students in their time at Michigan State University and through graduation. At the same time, it fosters the creation of a campus and national model for student success by leveraging analytics with actionable data, investing in advisors, and contributing to the Neighborhoods and colleges to help MSU students holistically.

The Predictive Analytics Project is one part of that initiative and will launch the Student Success Dashboard advising and analytics platform on May 16.

Student Success Dashboard Background

The Student Success Dashboard utilizes a predictive model based on 10 years of data to identify student performance patterns influencing persistence and graduation. It will enable new, proactive advising processes and provide student success professionals with key information to manage action analytics and support students in making informed decisions.

Colleges and advising offices will adopt the Student Success Dashboard in two phases. Phase 1 units include:

  • Agriculture & Natural Resources
  • Arts & Letters
  • Communication Arts & Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Lyman Briggs
  • Natural Science (including Dow STEM Scholars)
  • Neighborhood Advising
  • Social Science


Over the summer, Phase 1 college representatives will be involved in training, success marker setting, and communication campaign development that will be used with students in their units during the fall 2016 semester.

Phase 2 colleges and units will be trained in January 2017. They will also be involved in developing success markers and campaigns for use with students during the spring 2017 semester.

This will be an iterative process, as MSU is learning collectively how to best leverage predictive models to help students and advisors.

Student & Advisor Calendaring

Undergraduate Assistant and Associate Deans decided in April that all college advising units (Phase 1 and 2) should adopt calendaring and scheduling in the Student Success Dashboard, at the roughly the same time, in advance of the fall 2016 term.

By migrating all advisors to the same email and calendaring platform that undergraduate students are using (Spartan Mail/Office 365), students will have a consistent experience, regardless of who their advisor is or which advising office they use.

MSU Information Technology will support college advising offices in the migration and will schedule times over roughly eight weeks during the summer. Students will begin using the Student Success Dashboard for advising appointments on a phased basis over the migration period, and their advisors will be in close communication with them.
