MSU IT Council discusses network project, Messaging and Collaboration Team, web committee

The MSU IT Council met on October 5 and November 2. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meetings.

DNS, DHCP, and IP Management Project

MSU IT will replace aging open source systems and developed scripts related to the Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and system for Internet Protocol (IP) address requests. The move will be toward a full-featured vended solution for DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (DDI). The outcome of the project will be improved performance, delegated management, an updated architecture, available vendor support, and more robust features.

The DDI project will require the MSU IT community to help identify and update the network configurations on department-managed equipment. More detailed information about this will be shared in early winter 2016 with a target of spring 2017 for the majority of devices to be reconfigured.

Messaging and Collaboration Team

Matt Stehouwer started in a new position as Senior Messaging and Collaboration Manager at MSU IT. His new team will be responsible for legacy mail, listservs, Office 365, and on-premise SharePoint. The next step for the Messaging and Collaboration Team will be moving MSU accounts to a new account container that will allow users future access to Office 365 tools.

Web Governance Committee Proposal

A proposal was submitted to create a Web Governance Committee under the structure of the IT Council. The mission would be to encourage and support collaboration on standards, compliance, content workflows, and website systems as they relate to the MSU ecosystem of websites, web applications, and digital content. The committee could help document minimum requirements for website creation, make recommendations for best practices, develop templates or pattern libraries, and support branding and accessibility compliance.

The committee wants to establish contact with staff who support websites and applications in each MAU.

About the IT Council

The MSU IT Council serves as a primary IT advisory body. Membership is made up of IT leaders appointed by the senior deans and directors from each of the degree‐granting colleges, core academic units, major academic support units, and other major business units.

The MSU community is encouraged to seek out their IT Council representative or visit the IT Council website for more information on topics of interest.
