MSU IT Council discusses security, Spartan 365, 2017 updates

The MSU IT Council met on February 1st. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meetings.

Risk management & security briefing

Seth Edgar, Deputy Chief Information Security Officer, and Rob McCurdy, Interim CIO, presented on the current state of IT risk management at MSU. They also discussed recent changes in security policy to support better risk management across the university.

The framework for managing risk was detailed, as well as existing resources for security best practices and baseline security controls and monitoring. Edgar and McCurdy said they were willing to meet with anyone who would like additional information on current measures and initiatives to mitigate risk to IT systems on campus.

Spartan 365 updates

Matt Stehouwer, Senior Messaging and Collaboration Manager, presented implementation developments for Microsoft Office 365 at MSU, known as Spartan 365. Next steps include continuing to move MSU accounts to a new account container that will allow users future access to Spartan 365 tools. Testing of several features within Spartan 365 will continue this semester.

Future announcements will include the availability of self-migration tools to allow legacy users to migrate to Spartan Mail accounts in the future. Visit the Spartan 365 page for additional information.

IT Council updates for 2017

The IT Council Board announced leadership changes for the coming year.

  • Scott Schopieray, College of Arts and Letter, is now the Chair of the IT Council.
  • John Resotko, MSU College of Law, is the new Secretary.
  • Mike Walter, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, is the new Chair-Elect.

The IT Council is changing its regular meeting format to include a working collaboration session as the second half of each meeting. The goal of this discussion, led by Scott Schopieray, was to ask members to share some of their academic, business, and IT priorities for the coming year. These common priorities will help drive IT Council activities for 2017, divided into strategic and operational priorities. A survey will ask IT Council members to rank shared priorities.

About the IT Council

The MSU IT Council serves as a primary IT advisory body. Membership is made up of IT leaders appointed by the senior deans and directors from each of the degree‐granting colleges, core academic units, major academic support units, and other major business units.

The MSU community is encouraged to seek out their IT Council representative or visit the IT Council website for more information on topics of interest.
