5-Minute Educational Technology Tips
Based on feedback from our monthly workshops, we have developed an ongoing series of brief 5-minute videos to help you with D2L Brightspace and other educational technology tools.
End-of-Semester 5-Minute Videos
Upload Grades to D2L from a Spreadsheet
Use an exported CSV file from the grade book to manually upload grades to D2L. This video will show how to export the file from your course, edit or enter grades on the spreadsheet in Excel, and upload the grades to the D2L grade book.
Create a 4.0 GPA Scheme to Submit Final Grades from D2L
This video guides you on creating a 4.0 GPA grade scheme in D2L and applying it to the final grade item in the grade book. This ensures final grades are correctly formatted for direct submission to the Registrar’s Office from D2L. No need to upload files or manually enter grades!
Get your courses ready for next semester by making them active so students can see them on their “My Courses” page. Create a development course to test D2L features, build new courses, or update old ones. Copy and merge courses, update the syllabus and dates, enroll TAs, add accommodations, and preview your course to ensure everything is set for January.
New 5-Minute Tips
Creating a Points-Based Gradebook
This guide covers configuring gradebook settings, creating categories and grade items, and organizing them for your course. It walks you through initial setup, customization, and reordering to build a clear, points-based grading system. Ideal for instructors aiming to streamline their grading process.
iClicker Roster & Grade Sync with D2L
Sync your class roster and grades between iClicker and D2L effortlessly. The iClicker system automatically adds students to your course, emails those without an account, and sends points to your D2L grade book. No need for join codes; students are automatically enrolled and can join polling sessions directly from the iClicker app.
Easily take class attendance with iClicker, which offers both Full Course and Attendance Only options free for MSU students. Full Course uses the desktop iClicker app and can automatically send points to D2L, while Attendance Only does not require the app but only allows downloading a spreadsheet of attendance data.
D2L Brightspace Grading Tips Help Page
This final exam season, visit our D2L Grading Tips help page for answers to common D2L Brightspace gradebook questions.
Session Recordings
Looking for a longer deep dive into D2L Brightspace grading? Or looking to refresh yourself on D2L Brightspace basics before next semester? Utilize our longer tutorial videos such as Grading in D2L and D2L Essentials to refresh your D2L courses.
Certification Pathways
The Certification Pathways D2L Brightspace course, created by MSU IT, offers professional development for MSU instructors, TAs, instructional designers, and support staff. Through a series of workshops, you’ll enhance teaching skills, explore best practices, and integrate technology into your courses. Earn badges and certificates in areas like course design, student engagement, and accessibility, and gain credentials to share on LinkedIn while making your courses more engaging and efficient. Self-enroll for the Certification Pathways today!
Where can you learn more?