Tag: conference

Tech Considerations for Hybrid Meetings
As more Spartans return to campus, meetings will likely include both in-person and remote attendees. When running a hybrid meeting, clear audio and video are top priorities. Review the technology tips below to ensure the best experience for everyone.
First, decide how many people will be in-person and outfit the conference room accordingly:
- Small meetings (2-4 people): For small groups, a simple computer, web camera, and TV with decent speakers should work.

IT Next: Digital Access & Inclusion Conference
IT Next: Digital Access and Inclusion Conference is a half day event on May 16, 2019 in alignment with Global Accessibility Awareness Day (globalaccessibilityawarenessday.org) that provides an opportunity for IT professionals, communicators, and academic specialists across the institution to engage, network, and advance in their careers.
“Digital access” addresses how our users access electronic information, and how content creators, programmers, and developers and other staff can ensure that web pages and web delivered content can function with assistive technology used by persons with disabilities. Read Full Article →
IT Next: Digital Access & Inclusion Conference
The Digital Access and Inclusion Conference, in alignment with Global Accessibility Awareness Day, was held on May 16, 2019. The conference was designed to inform about the value of accessibility for people with disabilities in digital media and the information technology field.
The audience also heard from MSU IT leadership about accessibility at MSU and the launch of the DigitalX team, which is designed to lead accessibility at MSU and provide holistic digital-experience support. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Conference looked at ways technology is changing in higher ed
The MSU IT Conference was held June 10, 2014, in the MSU Union with breakout sessions in the Human Ecology and Natural Science buildings.
More than 200 attended the conference open to those in the MSU community interested in information technology.
The MSU IT Conference was started in 2007 to build the IT community and encourage collaboration. Read Full Article →

2014 MSU IT Conference to be held on campus June 10
The 2014 MSU IT Conference will be held on June 10 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The conference kicks off at the MSU Union and various breakout sessions will be held throughout the day in nearby buildings on campus.
The MSU IT Conference was started in 2007 to build the information technology community at MSU and encourage collaboration. Read Full Article →

2013 MSU IT Conference to be held June 12 at Kellogg Center
The 2013 MSU IT Conference will be held on June 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Kellogg Center.
The MSU IT Conference was started seven years ago to build the information technology (IT) community at MSU and to challenge individuals in this exciting field to work across institutional boundaries, share best practices, keep up with new technology, and encourage collaboration. Read Full Article →