Tag: upgrade
Computer Lab Software Upgrade Schedule
In preparation for the upcoming school year, University computer labs will be undergoing software upgrades. Each lab will be unavailable for less than a day during the upgrades, which will be phased in through August 23.
Closings have been scheduled with consideration to class schedules and lab activities. If there are questions or concerns, the IT Service Desk can be contacted via ithelp@msu.edu Read Full Article →

MSU D2L upgrade planned May 11-13
MSU IT will be migrating the MSU D2L system to a hosted environment May 11-13. D2L will be unavailable beginning at 6:00 p.m. on May 11, and will be available again after 7:00 a.m. on May 13.
Additionally, D2L course merge and unmerge requests will now be handled by the MSU IT Service Desk at (517) 432-6200. Read Full Article →

MSU to launch new Desire2Learn features for fall 2014
MSU IT Services is upgrading the Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System to version 10.3 over the summer. In addition, to the upgrade several new integrations will be available.
This upgrade will offer many new features including:
- The ability to upload, publish and share media directly from the D2L environment using the Kaltura MediaSpace integration.

Microsoft to retire Windows XP system on April 8
Microsoft will end support for its Windows XP operating system on April 8, 2014. No further security updates or technical support will be provided for Windows XP.
Computers still running the XP operating system aren’t protected against malware and other security vulnerabilities after April 8.
Stay safeIt’s important to use a recent operating system in order to protect against from malware and viruses that could infect your computer and search for your personal information. Read Full Article →

MSU Kerberos upgrade to be completed August 6
IT Services is in the process of upgrading to new 1.11.2 version of Kerberos. Further details and instructions on the upgrade are available.
This new version will introduce new features of Kerberos including file-less configuration using DNS and account locking for invalid password attempts.
Reasons to upgradeThis upgrade to Kerberos 5 current release is necessary for a number of reasons, including:
- Newer MIT Kerberos server software allows for more stringent password policies, including account lockout.