Find out about the latest MSU tech upgrades in computer labs, classrooms

While many students and faculty were off for the summer, MSU IT was busy making technology upgrades to labs and classroom spaces.

Windows 10 upgrade

MSU IT upgraded to Windows 10 in university computer labs and classroom technology carts during August 7-25 in preparation for the fall 2017 semester. This upgrade will help leverage new technologies and security features in Windows 10.

In addition to the Windows 10 upgrade, MSU IT also performed its normal summer software and application patching and maintenance in labs and classrooms.

Classroom technology

MSU IT also added new technology features in the following classrooms.

  • Bessey Hall: 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 218, 222
  • Berkey Hall: 108, 122, 314, 12C, 100, 103
  • Vet Med Clinic: E100
  • Wells Hall: A108, A122, A130, A222, A228, A230, A232, A234, A308,

These MSU classrooms now include:

  • A technology cart with a host computer running Windows 10 and MS Office 2016
  • Data projectors with digital media capability (HDMI and VGA)
  • A Blu-ray player for Blu-ray discs and DVDs
  • A built-in document camera
  • A wireless microphone

More resources

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the MSU IT Service Desk at (517) 432-6200 or
