D2L Brightspace tips from MSU IT Instructional Technology and Development

Check out the brief 5-minute videos below about D2L Brightspace to learn about impersonating the demo student, uploading grades, and using grade schemes to save time and efficiently manage courses.

Throughout the year, MSU IT Instructional Technology and Development will release more videos on our MediaSpace channel about incorporating educational technology tools and D2L Brightspace tips into your courses.


Preview Your D2L Course: View as Student vs. Impersonate Demo Student 

Learn how to review your D2L course to ensure it is set up correctly using View as Student or by impersonating the Demo Student. This video will show you how to view your course from the student perspective to ensure course consistency and clarity.


Upload Grades to D2L from a Spreadsheet

Use an exported CSV file from the grade book to manually upload grades to D2L. This video will show how to export the file from your course, edit or enter grades on the spreadsheet in Excel, and upload the grades to the D2L grade book.


Create a 4.0 GPA Scheme to Submit Final Grades from D2L

Upload final grades directly from D2L to the Registrar’s Office. In this video, you will learn how to create a 4.0 GPA grade scheme in D2L and apply it to the final grade item in the grade book. This will ensure that final grades are in the correct format so that you can submit them to the Registrar’s Office directly from D2L with just a few clicks—no need to upload a file or manually enter grades!


Where can you learn more?

  • Session recordings as well as the team’s other workshop recordings are available on the Instructional Technology & Development MediaSpace channel.
  • You can learn more about using D2L Brightspace and other educational technology tools at Educational Technology Training.
  • Upcoming sessions and workshops from Instructional Technology and Development are posted to iTeach.
  • Book a one-on-one consultation with the Instructional Technology and Development team on D2L Brightspace, implementing MSU-supported technology tools, digital accessibility, online/hybrid course design, and more by submitting a request at ithelp.msu.edu.
  • MSU IT Educational Technology’s Instructional Technology and Development team provides design and accessibility consultation and media production support for MSU departments. Services are free for all credit-bearing courses and at an hourly rate for non-credit, grant-funded, and other projects. Visit the Instructional Design and Media Production Service page to learn more.