Author: John Resotko

John's Bio
John Resotko is the Assistant Director for Systems Administration and Support for the MSU College of Law. In addition to serving as a member of the MSU IT Council Board, he is also the current Secretary and Chair of the IT Council Communications Committee, See for more information.
MSU IT Council featured image

The MSU IT Council met in April. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.

MSU IT Network Services Restructuring

Nishanth Rodrigues and Chuck Kirby from MSU IT presented the new organizational structure of the Network Services teams. The new structure is built around three teams focusing on planning, building, and running network services and systems on campus. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Council featured image

The MSU IT Council met in March and below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.

Department storage

Sherief AbouElSeoud, part of the IT Services IT Infrastructure and Operations department, presented more information about the central department storage service accessed via the \\\[department name] server path. This was also mentioned at the February IT Exchange meeting. Read Full Article →

Image of IT staff member with a laptop

The MSU IT Council met on February 1st. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meetings.

Risk management & security briefing

Seth Edgar, Deputy Chief Information Security Officer, and Rob McCurdy, Interim CIO, presented on the current state of IT risk management at MSU. They also discussed recent changes in security policy to support better risk management across the university. Read Full Article →