MSU IT Council reviews storage, security, licensing agreements, IT role

The MSU IT Council met in March and below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.

Department storage

Sherief AbouElSeoud, part of the IT Services IT Infrastructure and Operations department, presented more information about the central department storage service accessed via the \\\[department name] server path. This was also mentioned at the February IT Exchange meeting. Request the service by filling out the department storage request form.

Information Security update

Seth Edgar, Deputy Chief Information Security Officer, presented on the efforts to create baseline security controls and monitoring controls for systems facing the Internet, and discussed a recent phishing email attack to emphasize reporting of any suspected phishing attempts to

Gartner subscription

Mike Walters, IT Director at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, working with IT Services, was unable to get enough interested parties to participate in purchasing a Gartner Technical Professional subscription. Any departments still interested in the Gartner Technical Professional subscription for next fiscal year’s budget, or who would like more information should contact Mike Walters directly.

Lightning Round items

Dave Vietti, Associate Director of IT for Infrastructure Planning and Facilities (IPF), is evaluating vendors to replace IPF’s current facilities management software tool. If you currently use, or are interested in using facilities management software, please contact Dave Vietti for additional information.

Nishanth Rodriguez, Assistant Vice President and MSU Chief Technology Officer, reviewed the network outage caused by partner Merit Network the weekend of February 25. Rodriguez also reviewed the MSU IT outage notification procedures with the IT Council.

Working Session on IT roles

Scott Schopieray, Assistant Dean for Technology and Innovation, led the discussion reviewing the priorities submitted by IT Council members, and ranked by a survey conducted after the February meeting.

The result was a list of the opportunities and challenges in defining the role of local IT and what opportunities are available for local IT to interact with central IT roles and services. A more detailed list of opportunities and action items was developed and will be shared with all IT Council members before the April meeting.

About the IT Council

The MSU IT Council serves as a primary IT advisory body. Membership is made up of IT leaders appointed by the senior deans and directors from each of the degree‐granting colleges, core academic units, major academic support units, and other major business units.

The MSU community is encouraged to seek out their IT Council representative or visit the IT Council website for more information on topics of interest.
