Tag: cyber security


Observe Cyber Security Awareness Month with these Tips

October is the 15th Annual National Cyber Security Awareness Month

We live in a world with data at our fingertips. Easy access to information makes our lives easier, but it also leaves us more points of vulnerability if our data is not handled properly.

At MSU we are keenly aware of the need for data safety, and we take steps to ensure that we are offering best in class solutions to data safety. Read Full Article →

#TeamMSUIT Protecting Spartan Data

MSU IT: Protecting Spartan Data

In practice, data is more than the information that we put into our systems. Data hold people’s identities, the keys to unlocking research quagmires, and the ability to change the way we interact with the observable world. That is why we take data security seriously at MSU IT. 

We understand deeply that the data we have must be protected from individuals with less altruistic incentives than those of the faculty, researchers, and students at MSU. Read Full Article →

Hands on computer. Octber is Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber Security: Every Spartan’s Responsibility

Cyber security is every Spartan’s responsibility. That is why MSU IT participates in National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) to help keep the MSU community informed about simple ways everyone can stay safe online. Learn cyber security best practices and tips through MSU IT’s blog and Twitter account. These tips can help you understand the simple, proactive measures you can take to protect your digital identity. Read Full Article →

Happy #CyberAware Month

MSU IT Celebrates National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber security continues to grow in importance, and we all play a role in today’s highly connected world of systems, information, and technology.

MSU Information Technology helps celebrate National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) by promoting safe computing tips via our Tech at MSU Twitter account and supporting the MSU Security Summit on October 11. Read Full Article →

National Cyber Security Awareness Month image

MSU celebrates National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber security continues to grow in importance, and we all play a role in today’s highly networked world of systems, information, and technology.

MSU Information Technology helps celebrate National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) by promoting safe computing tips and supporting the MSU Security Summit on October 15.

MSU SecureIT

SecureIT is the main safe computing initiative at MSU encouraging safe personal computing, as well as information security guidelines and best practices for dealing with institutional data. Read Full Article →


SecureIT site provides information security guidelines to MSU community

The SecureIT site recently launched to provide the MSU community with one place for guidelines and best practices on information security.

MSU employees first used the site as part of the two-factor authentication rollout in March and April 2015.

The site also includes personal safe computing information, ways to safeguard your devices, phishing precautions, password tips, and illegal file sharing details. Read Full Article →

stay safe online logo

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

This year’s theme is Our Shared Responsibility. MSU Information Technology (IT) Security encourages the community to get involved and do their part to make our Internet, MSUnet, safer and more secure for everyone.

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MSU Security Summit event graphic

MSU Security Summit to be held October 14

The first MSU Security Summit will be held October 14 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in the MSU Union.

The event offers a chance for MSU IT staff to discuss security topics as part of their jobs and the greater campus community. Space is limited, so register now via EBS. Read Full Article →

A student works on a laptop computer

IT Services warns about CryptoLocker malware, cybersecurity

IT Services is warning computer users about a particularly vicious kind of malware, called CryptoLocker.

How CryptoLocker works

CryptoLocker encrypts or freezes large parts of a Windows PC’s hard drive, then asks the user to pay to regain access.

Once CryptoLocker installs itself, it contacts a remotely operated server run by criminals, called a command-and-control server. Read Full Article →

National Cyber Security Awareness Month logo

MSU SecureIT celebrates National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

Michigan State University has an ongoing safe computing campaign called SecureIT to help educate the MSU community on safe computing practices.

Tips to staying safe 1. Make sure your personal firewall is turned on.

Learn more about how to configure Windows and MacOS X firewalls. Read Full Article →