Tag: Google

Tech resources to start your semester off right
We know getting back to your studies and work can be tough, especially after a long holiday break. We also understand that it can be overwhelming to decide which tools make the most sense for your needs.
Check out these top seven tech tech resources to help your semester go smoothly. Read Full Article →

2016 top tech trends to watch
Trends in technology ebb and flow as new technology emerges and makes older technology less relevant. But in some cases the newer technology never fully takes hold (Google Glass anyone?).
We rang in the new year by exploring numerous sources to figure out what could be the new “it” products in 2016. Read Full Article →

Re-Thinking Fluid Communication
Team Collaboration
We work in groups.
Almost everybody does.
Even those who work independent of an organization are not able to skirt collaborating with others. It is part of who we are as humans to be social and collaborative.
We couldn’t do much of anything of significance if this were not the case. Read Full Article →