Tag: two-factor

Two-factor authentication to be added to MSU D2L for faculty
MSU is expanding the applications and systems that use two-factor authentication to further safeguard personal and institutional data.
Starting on August 14, faculty will need to use two-factor authentication when logging into the MSU D2L course management system. Two-factor authentication will expand to other D2L roles with grading privileges soon. Read Full Article →

Find out about new MSU technology services for faculty, staff
MSU Information Technology has been working on several new technology services for departments, as well as faculty, staff, and IT staff.
Cloud services coming soonUniversity agreements for cloud services with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are underway. These cloud services offer exceptional compute power, database storage, content delivery features, and other functionality to fill a range of needs including servers, long-term data storage, mobile application development, and storing and analyzing large volumes of data. Read Full Article →

MSU to roll out two-factor authentication starting March 16
Over the next six weeks, Michigan State University is adding steps to safeguard personal and institutional data by applying two-factor authentication to human resources, payroll, and finance systems that are part of our Enterprise Business Systems (EBS).
Once two-factor authentication is implemented for EBS, it will be expanded to additional MSU applications. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Council updates include two-factor authentication project, plans for email
The MSU IT Council met on February 3. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.
College of Education updateDon Heller, Dean, College of Education, discussed some of the challenges that his college is facing as the nature of teacher education and professional development continue to evolve. Heller addressed the need to increase the faculty research portfolio and the funding challenges. Read Full Article →