Types of Classrooms

Active Learning Classrooms

MSU offers several types of active learning classroom configurations with varying technical capabilities.

Classrooms with basic technical capabilities either have moveable (wheeled) chairs or have tables and chairs. The classrooms with wheeled chairs offer a class layout that can be rearranged within minutes depending on class needs. The classrooms with tables and chairs are broken up for group work as needed. A technology cart and at least one projector are installed in these rooms. (Read more about technology equipment in classrooms.)

Intermediate Technical Capabilities

MSU currently has two small classrooms with intermediate technical capabilities: C131 Holden and 175 Brody, and one large classroom with intermediate capabilities, 1200 MPS.

The room in Holden has six oval tables with seating for eight students at each table. There is power and video at each table. Three screens and projectors display content from the instructor’s technology cart. The instructor can also select, via the Crestron Touch-Panel System, which student table’s content should be displayed for the class.

The room, 175 Brody, has a capacity of 40 students and similar technical capabilities as C131 Holden. One difference is the that 175 Brody has movable tables and chairs that can be arranged into “pods” of four to eight students or into a “U-Shape” or basically any layout that would best accomplish the instructor’s leaning objectives. Power and video access is provided via floor panels.

The auditorium style lecture room 1200 MPS seats about 200 students and is designed to allow active learning exercises. The room is tiered and each tier has two rows of tables and chairs to allow students in the front row to turn around and work in groups with students in the back row of the same tier.

Rooms for Engaged and Active Learning (REAL)

Rooms for Engaged and Active Learning (REAL) spaces feature an instructor station, four flat panel displays around the room, dual flat panel displays at each table, and whiteboards around the room for each table. These rooms have 10 semi-circular tables and can generally accommodate 60 students.

In addition, N124 Business College Complex and 222 Erickson Hall are based on the REAL concept. N124 Business College Complex differs from the McDonel rooms in that there are no tables, rather there are wheeled chairs. The room has whiteboards on all the walls and there are nine pedestals that provide power and video connections for student groups. Each pedestal is also associated with a flat panel display and there are two projectors for use with the technology cart.