Find out the top technology tools MSU faculty use in teaching

The “Faculty Technology Use in Teaching Survey” was conducted by MSU IT during spring 2017. The results help MSU IT and campus stakeholders learn more about how faculty use instructional technology both inside and outside of the classroom.

It was emailed to approximately 3,100 faculty, and there were 373 respondents.

The top 5 MSU colleges to respond included:

  1. Social Science
  2. Agriculture & Natural Science
  3. Arts & Letters
  4. Natural Science
  5. Human Medicine

NOTE: Percentages were rounded down to full numbers in the following metrics. Due to multiple select question options, totals may not add up to 100%


The survey found that 54% of faculty respondents use video collaboration tools and 46% do not. Of those who use video collaboration tools, 40% use Zoom and 22% use Skype.

In terms of text collaboration tools, 49% of respondents use Google Docs and 33% use Microsoft Office.

Teaching & Learning

Faculty respondents overwhelming communicate with students via email (96%). They also use D2L messaging (58%) and Zoom conferencing (36%).

Faculty respondents said they used several different learning management systems (LMS):

  • 85% use MSU D2L
  • 2% use LON-CAPA
  • 22% use other systems (WordPress, Google Classroom, etc.)
  • 7% do no use a LMS


Course videos are used by 54% of faculty respondents and not used by 46% of respondents. Interactive materials are used in courses by 23% of survey respondents and not used by 77% of respondents.

Other resources

Faculty technology use survey

Download the full MSU Faculty Technology Use Survey Infographic (PDF).
