Tag: storage

Find out about new MSU technology services for faculty, staff
MSU Information Technology has been working on several new technology services for departments, as well as faculty, staff, and IT staff.
Cloud services coming soonUniversity agreements for cloud services with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are underway. These cloud services offer exceptional compute power, database storage, content delivery features, and other functionality to fill a range of needs including servers, long-term data storage, mobile application development, and storing and analyzing large volumes of data. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Council reviews storage, security, licensing agreements, IT role
The MSU IT Council met in March and below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.
Department storageSherief AbouElSeoud, part of the IT Services IT Infrastructure and Operations department, presented more information about the central department storage service accessed via the \\fileshare.msu.edu\[department name] server path. This was also mentioned at the February IT Exchange meeting. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Council learns about technology projects, purchasing updates, and Student Success, Office 365 progress
The MSU IT Council met on June 1. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.
MSU IT’s Top 15 ProjectsBarb Dawson, Assistant Vice President of IT Strategy, reported on the “Top 15” technology projects as reported by the MSU IT Project Management Office. She explained that several criteria are used to classify a project as “Top 15” including if the project is high profile for MSU, if the project is funded, and if it is an innovation project and/or it supports the MSU Bolder IT vision to Strengthen, Align, and Innovate. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Council discusses cloud storage, central email, technology purchasing
The MSU IT Council met on January 7. Below are the high-level topic summaries from the meeting.
MSU brandingHeather Swain, Vice President of Communications and Brand Strategy (CABS), explained the value of advancing the MSU brand as a Tier 1 research institution and what it means for attracting talent and funding. Read Full Article →